Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Obby Lobby 2.0!

Obby Lobby 2.0 v.2 ~Beta~_Image
          Hey! It's needysweet1 again. Today, I will be reviewing a game by the name of "Obby lobby 2"! By FunFish7098 This review will be a little bit interesting. 

          The construction of this game is pretty good. From the obbies, to the lobby, this game was pretty good. One bad thing about the construction is that some of the obbies was bland, and didn't have any color. I don't like bland obbies! Obbies are supposed to be colorful, not bland, dark, and gray! 

          The scripting of this game was good as well. One thing that I liked was that it had a advertise button on your screen while you was in the lobby! What that means is that with just a small fee of 45R$, you could advertise one of your products. That sounds like a great deal to me! 

           The gameplay was fun too; while I didn't go through the most annoying problem on a good Roblox game.. That problem I'm talking about is Lag! Whenever a different loaded up, I would freeze for a while! That wasn't very good.. Who wants to lag in a obby anyway? 

          I liked this game really! You know, besides the bland color and lag. I hope the creator of this game really do something to fix that! So what's the overall you ask? Well this game gets 3 stars out of 5.

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