Saturday, March 9, 2013

Whipped Cream Hat-Catalog Review

Whipped Cream Hat

                  Today I will be reviewing the Whipped Cream hat. You might enjoy this review.Two off topic things,1:Check out XxEmmaEvilxX'sWeekly Round Ups if you are too busy to see a review 1 by 1.You can see a summary of the things in the week.Second thing:I will ask Key if I can take a 1-week brakeor so every month since I have lots of homrwork to do for the State Tests and after the tests I will be more active and try to post 5-6 days instead of 4.So I might take 1 this month but key and I will talk.Now here is the review.
                                   The Texture:   Ok.The texture for this hat is very smooth and silky.The cheery is aslo very smooth and its stem is rough.It is very fluffy and puffed up.ROBLOX made it have a puffy texture to make it look like a whip cream-hat.The texture for this is cool.We dont see hats with fluffy and silky textures.The texture deserves a 8.3.

                                             The Looks:
       This was a pretty well done desgined hat.It is rings of whip cream in size order going over eachoter and making a tower.The cherry gives it a good finish.The shadig of blue makes it look very real.It is one of the few Dessert hats we have on ROBLOX that are good. The looks gets an 8.
                                    The Effort:
   Effort was put into this. ROBLOX put effort the the mesh and how they will sahde it.The cherry was the aprt that had the least becasue it is a sphere with a stem.The whip cream was average.I wouldn't say ROBLOX put too much effort in but it was ok.The effort gets a 7.8.
                                     The Overall:
   This is a great choice if you want to look like Ice cream or a Ice cream Sunday.It does look a little bland with only 2-3 colors.Overall for R$100 this is a good buy.The Overall deserves and 8.3.

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