Friday, March 1, 2013

Wizards of the Astral Isles:Frog Transformer-Catalog Review

Wizards of the Astral Isles: Frog Transformer

  Hello.Today I will be reviewing the Wizards of the Astral Isles:Frog Transformer.

                                    The Texture:
         ROBLOX did a good job on the texture.The handle looks nicly done with the meshes.The wood part of the wand was nicly carved.ROBLOX made it look like real wood with the shading. The best part of the texture was the green part or what I like to call it is the frog poison. It looks like poison or the color of a frog. It is a good part to add to the texture and to give it that Frog Poison on th tip. The texture gets a8.2.

                               The Looks:        
       As I said before this looks pretty well for a wand. We usally dont get much wands in ROBLOX.The hand grip looks pretty realistic with all of the shading and what not.The wood looks like it was actully carved by a WIzard of the AStral Isles. The Frog Posion part gives it a look that things wont turn out well for the character when he uses the wand. It looks like a ver realistic wand. The looks gets an 8.1.

                                 The Effort:
        ROBLOX did put effort into this.The most part that they put effort in was tthe scripting.But they did put in a good amount of time to make the shading and design the meshes and to make the meshes of the frog.  The part that had the least amount of effort was the handle.ROBLOX just made the handle to have part of the Wizards Of the AStral Isles color scheme which is gold blue and silver. They only put in blue and sliver. The effort gets a 8.

                                                      The Scripting:
             The scripting for this is what gave the gear it greatness. When you shoot it when you clik your left mouse button it fires a circle that goes up then evaporates.If a person is in the circle he then turns into a frog and loses all of his things. But the bad part is it only spawns a circle in the place you shoot but not directly at a person. The good part is that you can spam the circles because it "reloads" in 2-5 seconds. The scripting is good but it could be better. The scripting gets a 7.9.

                                The Overall:
           Overall for a limited that is R$50 it is a good deal.ROBLOX could have made it that 300 or 3500 to be sold instead of 5000 so it can sell for more. The scripting and textures are great.This is a gear to have if you want to escape and got no good gears. You can just change a person into a frog and escape. The gear itself looks very good. Overall this gets a 8.5.

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