Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stone Age Shades Review

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be talking about the new hat named "Stone Age Shades." Heres a picture of it.


Its texture is good. The main reason why it has good texture is because of it being a caveman - based hat, or shades. Would you expect a shiny caveman-made shades? Or a somewhat-invisible one? Of course not! So theres your reason why it has good texture.


It is a caveman - based hat, but it probably won't look good on your character unless you wear some stone-themed clothes with some greyish body colors. Personally I don't think I would wear it if I bought it. But its your choice if you'd like to buy it or not, because its just my opinion that it won't look good.


It doesn't look like much effort was put into this hat, even though its a caveman - themed hat, so you wouldn't expect there to be that much effort unless it was a dinosaur related hat or an actual caveman. It looks like its just basically a medium-sized rock that was carved with 2 sides to keep it on your ears and 2 little carvings in the middle area to actually be able to see when your wearing the hat.


Overall, I give this hat a 4/10. Thats a pretty bad rating, so its a pretty bad hat, regardless of it being a caveman - themed hat. Its price is 150 R$ which seems a little high for such a...well...lets just say a bad hat. A reasonable price would be about 35 R$, but thats just my opinion. I do not recommend buying this hat, it did not have good effort put into it or very good looks. All that was somewhat good was the texture.

Well, thats all for now. Once again, I don't recommend buying this hat. I'll keep you all updated.

- KNC Community Article Writer,

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Catalog Update

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be talking about the new update on the Catalog Page. Heres a picture of what mine looks like:

As you can see, you can simply insert a name into the text box and then, it'll show all models created by that player. Heres a picture of an example for me when I check the models made by "spookyBen" (Me).

I apologize for making the picture so big, but you can barely see it when its the default size. But anyways, as you can see, down in the bottom left corner I have spookyBen selected (In black) and it shows all the models made by spookyBen (Me).


Not know how to use it? Heres how! First, go on ROBLOX. Then, click "Catalog." Then click on "Models." Then, scroll down and you'll see something named "Creators." Type in a name there, and it'll show all models made by that player. And thats all you have to do!

I apologize if this was a late post, but I just now noticed it and there hasn't been a post about it yet.

Well, thats all for now! I'll keep you all updated.

- KNC Community Writer,

Group Store Update

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be talking about the update to group stores. Heres a picture of what group stores should now appear as if the group/clan has group store items.

As you can see, the group store now appears in catalog form. It'll be much easier now too! You won't have to manually click "See more group items" to see more then 2. It'll be much easier now without having to go to See more group items after the 2 first items in the group store.

Unfortunately, you cannot buy items from that page. Hopefully ROBLOX will add that soon though, it could help a lot with making purchasing items being much more easier. You can still just click on the items name and buy it on the normal page though, but thats basically just going to the catalog and buying something. So, hopefully what I mentioned earlier will be added so this can be much easier.

~How To Use~

Okay, for people who may not know how to use the group store (to click on them), heres how [With this update]. Simply click the name (No, not the creator, but the name) and then it should take you to a page with ONLY that shirt and the comments part. Click "Buy Now" if you have enough. Well, thats how!

Well, thats all for now. I'll keep you all updated.

- KNC Community Writer,

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gear Suppressor 777 Review

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be reviewing the gear named "Gear Suppressor 777." Heres a picture of it.


Its texture is fine.


Looks pretty good, I don't have it so I'll just make a guess, this probably goes on your head when you actually use the gear. Personally I like that little microphone below the headphones. But it looks good!


Looks like they did use good effort with this one, probably around 3-5 hours to script it and make the mesh and stuff like that.


Well, assuming I was right it goes on your head when you use it, thats some good scripting. A ordinary scripter couldn't script it to go on your head when used. The gear part of it is good scripting too because apparently it makes it so when you use it on someone, they can't use any gears for 7 seconds. That seems good enough to make a fast and easy kill without any skill at all, but they might be able to hide from you (If you have it) and kill you.


Overall, I give this gear a 10/10. It has good texture, good effort, good looks, and good scripting. If your a fan of headsets like these, then buy it! Its the first ever headset gear (As far as I know) that is obtainable. Buy it while you can! Its a good price.

Cart Ride Into PSY Gangnam Style - Game Review

Hello, Mikoto192 with another game review here. Today I'm reviewing Cart Ride Into PSY Gangnam Style, created by Quoy.

This game has a little scripting. I can tell there is little scripting because of the carts falling randomly. This game could really be better if he tried a bit harder. This game is on the front page, but it should be updated. Quoy could have done better. Although, making the dancers dance was a great script in the game. This category gets 4 stars.

This game has a lot of good building in it. The roller coaster itself was created by Quoy. The PSY is really awesome and very nicely built. Also, the dancers are pretty cool. This game is a good game that is very nicely built. The building gets 8 stars for Building. The cart ride is pretty nice due to the building. If this game had better building, though, and it probably had better and more advanced carts, this game would be amazing.

This game lags like crazy. I mean, the lag makes your cart teleport and all this other nonsense. Also, people bumping into you and throwing your cart off the tracks. Once you think you're going to win, someone bumps into you and you lose. If there were alternate paths in this game, it would be the best cart ride game ever. Sadly, there is zero chance that this game will be updated anytime soon. I wonder what this game has for the near future. Maybe it might become a WAY better game. I just hope the lag is decreased a little bit.

Overall, this game gets 6 out of 10 stars. The gameplay is horrible. If it was a bit more advanced and the carts were more steady, the gameplay would get a better rating. Same thing for the scripting. He could at least put some dedication into the scripting and this game would be a RO-Favorite. I would recommend this game to people who like cart rides or people who just like to look at games. It's a pretty good game, on the other hand. Just update the gameplay and it would be great.

LUV's Left 2 Die - Game Review

Hey, im Devin1002 and welcome to another game review! Today's game is "LUV's Left 2 Die" By LUVMARIOLUIGI10000

~Construction~ 9/10
The construction of this game is spectacular, every spot of the map, and the lobby is perfectly made. There are no glitches, or badly made parts. Everything is exactly how you would want it, the construction and building of the game is excellent, and it couldn't be better!

~Scripting~ 9/10
The scripting of this game, is well done. Each round (When everyone dies, and you are in the lobby again) the ammo/supplies bus comes, and you must select your next round weapons. That scripting takes a lot of patience, knowledge, and skill. The scripting is well done, as there is no breaks, or game failures.

~ Game play ~ 9/10
The game play is outstanding, you never want to stop playing. Each round there is 1 zombie (sometimes 2) and the rest are survivors. You constantly have to run, shoot, and battle your way through to be the last one alive! The game play doesn't get boring, as there is other many fun things added to the game to make you not want to go "Ahh, boring. I'm leaving this pl0xness". You always want to keep going to the next round, to battle your next fight.

~Overall~ 9/10
Overall, this game is greatly built, and designed. Has hardly any lag, and wont keep you from wanting to leave. The scripting is all out perfect, and well done. The scripting is the largest part of the game (87%) and it is what keeps you hooked. Well, it surely does that! The game play is outstanding, you never want to leave. You are always hit with new things, and challenges when the rounds are on.
You could be the zombie, or be the one killing the zombies. There is always something there to keep you occupied.

This game has not yet hit front page, but is already a favorite to many. It is currently (As of writing this) on the second page. If anything major (Get to front) or updates happens, the information will come here. Make sure you check LUV out, and play/favorite the game!

Thanks for reading!
~Devin1002 Community Article Writer

Friday, January 25, 2013

ROBLOX Mobile [iOS] Update

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be talking about the new update for iOS iPads.

iOS iPad users can now drive vehicles. Heres a picture of it that I got from the ROBLOX blog.

As you can see, you can now drive vehicles on iOS iPads. I'm just going to make a guess that little circle down near the starterpack you move to control the speed, either that or that gui on the very right. Those have something to do with it, but iOS Users, try out driving vehicles! iOS will have as much features as normal computers in time.

Next, lets talk about how iOS users can now chat. Heres a picture I got from the ROBLOX blog.

As you can see, you can now chat on your iOS iPad. It might take some time to type depending on how fast you can type, but at least you can type now! Also, you can use that "Microphone" button on the keyboard to make it faster. If you press that, whatever you say (Say it loudly) will be typed into the chat box. No, you cannot actually speak in the game. That will make it easier, but as you can see, it basically takes up your entire screen sadly. So I advise to chat only when your not fighting on the iOS iPad.

Have fun iOS Users! You can now type and drive vehicles on ROBLOX Mobile. Be sure to take advantage of this while you can! Trust me, it might be removed for bugs in the future or something, so use it while you can!

Well, thats all for now. I'll keep you all updated.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer

Duck Review

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be reviewing the gear named "Duck." Heres a picture of it.


Its texture is fine.


It looks like a realistic duck! The only thing that doesn't make it look extremely realistic is how small it is and how long that orange part is. (Sorry, I don't know its name. Heh) But other then that, it looks good!


 It looks like it didn't take too long to make, maybe 3 hours at the maximum. It's likely a mesh that could easily be made by a professional mesh maker. But they did put effort into it.


Well I don't own this hat so I cannot tell you much. But this gear is supposed to follow you around, so its scripting may of took about 30 minutes to an hour. The scripting isn't "professional" but good. You need to learn good scripting to do something like this to detect the closest humanoid and then make it follow it, or its user.


My opinion is that I give this gear a 8.5/10 rating. If your a fan of duck-related items, buy it! It is a limited though, so best to buy it before prices get too high! Its current price (For me, anyway) is 700 R$ at the lowest. Hurry and buy it before it gets too high duck lovers! This is the first duck gear (As far as I know) so it may raise quickly! Get a matching gear with your loved hats such as "Evil Duck" or any of the other ones. It has good scripting, somewhat good effort, good looks, and good texture, so don't worry how it'll seem like. Stop staring at it, and buy it!

Well, thats all for now. I'll keep you all updated.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer

Boat Wars, Needysweet1 Review

Boat Wars
Welcome to today's review! This time will be reviewing Boat Wars by jared2valdez4. (note games are reviewed solely on the genre and type of game it is not vs other games that's completely different from it)

          The construction of the game was good. From the sail of the ships to the detail of the water, it was pretty good. Know anyone who can copy this game by re-building it? I sure don't, this game is unique for that. This isn't just one of those average roblox get in and get out games. This game will have you coming back for more like all great games.

          The scripting of this game was decent as well. Out of the long time I was playing this game I couldn't find one awkward malfunction of the scripts running. Probably because I didn't notice many running at all. That was pretty sad for me. With a little more work and more scripts, this game could be a million times better than it already is. But until then, it'll just be average right here.

          The gameplay was pretty fun. it kept me entertained and happy, so I liked it. Most of the times when you see a game that isn't on the first pages that often, it's bad. But this one proved otherwise. Not only it kept me entertained, but I had a good time too. This game is so simple yet so fun! See, I guess a game don't need a lot of stuff in it to be fun.

          This game gets 4 stars out of 5. With a little bit more work, it will be a 5 star game! But this game is still fun come on! You should play it now! No, seriously... play it now. The link is right at the bottom of this review! Enjoy, and good luck.

Boat Wars!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Scripting: Better String Concatenation

Better String Concatenation

Note: This tutorial is for users who already have a basic understanding of Lua in general.


First off, what is "string concatenation?"  String concatenation is simply the joining of two strings. For example, local str = "Hello" .. "World" There we combined Hello and World together through concatenation.

The Big Issue

String concatenation is great, however, there is a looming issue that is faced within just about any programming language: Repetitive additions to a string through concatenation is very performance-costly. For example, if you want to add "Hello" 100,000 times to a single string variable, using standard loops with standard concatenation is going to create a performance issue.

Example of the above scenario using default string concatenation in Lua:

local str = ""

for i = 1,100000 do
   str = str .. "Hello"

The above code took 4700 milliseconds (4.7 seconds) to execute completely.

The Better Method

Thankfully, there is a much better way to accomplish the same task in much less time. In some languages, such as Java, you have things like the java StringBuilder object, which fixes this whole mess of performance issues by appending strings and then shoving them all together when you need them.

In Lua, we can devise our own method by using tables and table.concat. In fact, the method of going about doing this is quite simple too. Instead of constantly concatenating our 'str' variable with "Hello," we are going to add "Hello" to a table. At the end of the loop, we will concatenate the table into a readable string variable. This is much quicker.

Example of the better method using tables and table concatenation:

local str = ""
local strHold = {} -- Table to hold string data

for i = 1,100000 do
   table.insert(strHold, "Hello")

str = table.concat(strHold)

The above code took 60 milliseconds (0.06 seconds) to execute completely. As you can see, there was a tremendous increase in performance speed.

A Final Note

As a final note, I would like to tell you that standard concatenation is NOT BAD. The method shown in this tutorial should only be used when needing to concatenate a large string object multiple (thousands of) times as quickly as possible. On Roblox, there will be few times when you will need to use this method, however it is an extremely valuable skill to know in the real world of programming.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Icelord: The Unredeemed Review

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be reviewing the hat for you all named "Icelord: The Unredeemed." Heres a picture of it.


The texture looks okay, could use some more shine though.


It looks okay. Those little horns look similar to Tree Branches, but that doesn't matter. This is probably a retexture of Icewalker, or whichever the name of that other hat is. It seems to have one of those little masks below the helmet, I'm assuming it is to protect against the cold, even though the wearer would be the "Icelord..." But it looks fine, nothing bad with the looks. Above the mask, in the picture, it looks like there is two ice-looking eyes there. It looks creepy, right?


It looks like they did use somewhat effort on this hat. Perhaps half a day or less. This is one of the few hats that are not "ugly." ROBLOX did put effort some detail into this hat. It is bound to be popular.


It costs 100 R$ which is a good price for a hat like this, I recommend you buy it if your a fan of ice hats. I give this hat a 8/10. All that sucks about this hat is that theres not much topics when it comes to this hat. But once again, if your a fan of ice hats, buy it. It has a good price.

Well, thats all for now. I'll keep you all updated.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer

Starbattles "Nacht Der Untoten" - Game review

Hey, im Devin1002 and welcome to another game review! Today's game is "Nacht Der Untoten v1.4" By Starbattle

~Construction~ 9/10
The construction of this game is amazing, it is build to look almost exactly like the real map from "Call of Duty: World at War". It has very nice graphics, and it has almost 0% lag. It is build up to standards, and is definitely something that is worth being known for.

~Scripting~ 8/10
The scripting of this game, is beyond most users ability. Scripting to allow rounds, and amounts of zombies, and the gun purchasing, etc. Is greatly made, there are a few flaws, as the distance to buy the weapons from the wall is a little too close. You have to literally jump on the wall, and glitch into it to get it. The scripting is still some of the best i know for a game like this.

~ Game play ~ 9/10
The game play is very fun, and makes you not want to stop. It is just as it is in the real game, you have the rounds, plenty of zombies to kill. Friends to help you kill them off, and you get to keep buying more and more weapons/perks. The game play will keep you hooked, and make you not want to quit. (Unless you have to for a certain reason).

~Overall~ 8/10
Overall, this game is very well built, and will surprise you with similar looks of the real maps. The scripting is excellent, and will keep the game going as if it was never going to stop. The scripting took alot of work, and definitely paid off. The game play is outstanding, you wont be able to leave. Even if you all die, and the round is over. You will just wait in the lobby, to play again!

Starbattle has created 5 of these maps, they are all exactly the same thing as this. I choose this one, since it is the most played one bringing in 2M+ Visits. Make sure you check him out, and play them, they will make you very hooked into them.

Thanks for reading!
~Devin1002 Community Article Writer

Trinight Vision Review

Hi ROBLOXians,

I will be talking about the hat named "Trinight vision." Heres a picture of it.


The texture is fine/good.


It looks pretty good. Sure, it doesn't exactly look like theres anywhere to look out of it from, but if you pay attention, those little greenish looking spheres on the front is where you'd see out from. It also looks like it has one of those "Comms" over on the bottomish area similar to the ROBLOX Headset, thats cool, right? It also has a back-strap, I would advise using the peabrain head with this hat given the back piece might merge into your ROBLOXian's head.


It looks like ROBLOX did use some effort on this hat. It looks pretty good like I stated in the "Looks" section. This hat may of taken at least a day to make. You have to admit, ROBLOX does try good on hats like these.


I give this hat a 10/10. Its price is 333 R$, and its a good price for a hat like this, though, it could go a little lower, like around to 290 R$ or 250 R$. If you want to buy any hat, buy this one, especially if you want to look "like an alien." It could go well with an alien hat. So if your an alien hat collector, buy this one, but even if you aren't, buy it! This hats good, and chances are, it might be taken off-sale possibly.

Well, thats all for now. I'll keep you all updated. Take advantage of good hats like these.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer 

Escape The School Obstacle Course - Game Review

Hey, im Devin1002 and welcome to my first game review! Today's game is "Escape The School Obstacle Course" By Phyco

~Construction~ 9/10
The construction of this game is nice. This game is old but still seems to bring in the visits. The objective is to find secret doors/rooms, and complete small obbys to get to the winners zone, it has very little lag. The game does need a little work on it, but, its been 3 years since it was last updated, cut it some slack. Seriously,the game is fun to play, and easy to beat. Who doesn't like that?

~Scripting~ 7/10
The scripting of this game, isn't much. Honestly, i dont think there is any scripting. The very few scripts that there are, they are great. They allow the game to work as it is made to, and people seem to love it. The only think that should be edited about the scripting, is that some should be added.

~ Game play ~ 8/10
Even though the game play doesn't last long (Unless you get stuck in the library obby). It is still a very nice game play  the obstacles are very well built, hidden, and keep you searching for them. If you love a good seeking game, this would be the best one for you to find the way out!

~Overall~ 7/10
Overall, this game is very catchy, very simple, and very addicting. It has been with us since 2008, and hasn't been updated since 2010. It is still catching the front page, and being a favorite to all. The Construction is very well, it has a great obby (Library) to keep you occupied, the scripting isn't much, but all that is there; is good. The game play is fun, and addicting. It will keep you hooked til you "HAVE" to go. This game rounds up to a whopping 7/10 overall score!

Thanks for reading!
~Devin1002 Community Article Writer

The Jewel of the Sahara Review

Hi ROBLOXians,

I will be reviewing "The Jewel of the Sahara." It's current price is 150 R$. Heres its picture.

The texture is uhh....I don't know I could describe that.

It has somewhat good looks, though, it look like a snail's head over at the front where the two jewels are located. It does look sparkly, like a Bluesteel Fedora given its... shine that you can see on the middle piece.

It looks like it did not take much effort. Its just basically a sparkly ball with a gold piece of cloth tied around it with a connector with two pieces of gum attached to it. All that makes this unique is how sparkly the entire hat is, other then that, its not something robloxians would like to see you wearing.

Overall, I give this hat a 4/10. I do not recommend buying this hat. The price is too high for a hat that was poorly made and hardly any effort put into it. A price that would be suitable for this hat would be around 50 R$. Only buy it if you TRULY have something with it you love, otherwise this is a waste of your money.

Well, thats all for now. And once again, I do not recommend you buy this hat unless you want a sparkly look.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer

User Profile Updates

Hi ROBLOXians,

We have received 2 new updates on user profiles. One is with the groups part, the other is with Inventory.

Heres a picture of one of the updates [Groups]:

As you can see from this picture, ROBLOX has implemented Group Pages on User Profiles. The maximum groups that can fit on each page is 12 groups, so apparently, you have to be at least TBC to get group pages. BC have 10 groups, TBC have 30 groups, OBC have 100 groups. TBC could have about 2 pages at the maximum. OBC you'll have to figure out on your own. BC can't have any pages other then the standard view.

This update helps a lot, too. Let's say your viewing a profile with OBC and that user is in 100 groups and your trying to view his inventory. Your likely going to be scrolling for a few seconds at the group section if the user has 100 groups given Groups is above the inventory section. This update will prevent from you having to do that. It's great, right?

Okay, now lets talk about something else. Its called the Inventory Update, which is also on a User Profile. Heres a picture of it.

As you can see, it appears to have a new layout. Another part of it is the selected section is surrounded by a grey color, as you can see in the picture on the very left. The last time ROBLOX updated the inventory section was possibly over 2 years ago. They sure did ignore the inventory part till now, right? It appears to be more organized now somewhat. You shouldn't be able to confuse which section your on now given the grey outline around the selected section of it. [Hats, Gear, Faces, Packages, Shirts, Etc.] Other then that, theres not much to talk about when it comes to the inventory update. Not much was involved in this one sadly.

Well, thats all for now. Be sure to take advantage of those 2 updates while you can. I'll keep you all updated.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer

Messages Update

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be talking about the new update to the "Messages" section. Heres a small picture of what it should look like. Its cool, right?

As we can see, the update to the inbox is that you can now mark messages as "Read" or "Unread." This will surely help to keep your inbox much more organized, and easily mark spam mail unread in a easy click, without even having to click each one individually!

If you would like to know how to use this, heres how:

First, click on one of those little boxes, [Make it show a check mark] then, you can click "Mark As Read" or "Mark As Unread." If you Mark it as read, then the PM will no longer appear in a "bold" color. It will also no longer have a [1] in the Upper Message location that tells you how many PM's you have. If you don't know what I mean, heres a picture of it.

If you mark everything as Read, it will look like that.
If you mark everything as Unread, it will look like this.

That little spot that has a "1" will be the number of how many PM's you have, assuming you marked them all as "Unread."

Heres a post that the ROBLOX Moderator made about this update:

Gordonrox24 must like this update, as said in his post, it will be a big help in keeping his inbox organized. He probably gets lots of "spam mail" which is likely why it will be a big help.

Be sure to use this new feature well that ROBLOX has added! It can help well with spam mail and other messages to easily mark read, without even having to click each one to mark it as unread. It is so much easier now that ROBLOX has added this!

Well, thats all for now. I'll keep you all updated.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer

Deadzone Game Reivew By needysweet1

Deadzone :: Nxt-Gen Apoc Sim_Image

Welcome to today's game review from needysweet1! Today's game is "Deadzone :: Nxt Gen Apoc Sim" By DeadzonZackZak

The construction of this game is great. Actually, it was amazing, this game is new but almost on Apocalypse Rising's level when it comes to this. The only great difference is that while I was playing this game, I didn't have no lag. I believe this is because Apocalypse Rising probably have a lot more bricks than this game. But seriously, who don't love a lag free. fun game like this?

The scripting of this game was pretty good as well. It had a variety of scripts including motion scripts and hunger, needs, and a noise detector-like function. Most people won't think to add these things to a game. Instead they'd never think of it or just simply just wouldn't want to try it. But this game made these things work perfectly. That is what I just love about it.


The gameplay was amazing. While playing this game, this was one of the best things I have ever experienced. I can hear it calling me back telling me to play it some more right now! I think it'll do the same thing to you if you attempt to play this masterpiece. But, I was saddened by a few graphic bugs while I was playing the game though. Somethings I noticed was how it seemed like a second person was inside of me messing me up while I was walking. It got rather annoying. But if you ignore that, this game will be epic.


Overall, this game gets 4 stars out of 5. This game have the potential to be the best game on Roblox for a very long time. I don't think I can resist the urge to play this game over and over again. It seems to never get boring. That is what a Roblox game is suppose to be like. A true Roblox game is suppose to keep hundreds of people on it while having a good time, wanting to come back for more. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Game Review - GUI Hangout

Mikoto192, here. As my first game review I have decided to pick a very interesting game. GUI Hangout(Since 2011), by Devin1002.

This game is perfectly scripted, as you can see. The GUIs are amazing. Devin did an outstanding job scripting this game in my opinion. The characters are the best things in the game. I love the way you can buy things in the Catalog and PM people while in-game. 10/10 Stars.

The effort in this game is also very outstanding. This game is a very nice game due to his effort. He created the GUIs into a chat. You can also create your own character/profile. The GUIs look very beautiful and this game is very fun as a hangout. This game obviously took a lot of effort. I give his creativity a 10/10.

This game has one of the most amazing gameplays. There is no lag at all. This game is great because of the lack of lag. Most of the ROBLOX games nowadays have a lot of lag. Although, there are just GUIs, so there is nothing to do really but chat. The game is just plain GUIs. In this category, I give it a 9.5/10.

Overall, this game gets a 9.5/10 Stars. This game is an awesome place to hangout with your friends and just talk! It's good to just hangout and talk with friends every once and a while. This game is the perfect way to do it. I would totally recommend this game to ROBLOXians who are looking for friends or just want to chat with other members of the ROBLOX community.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Forum update

 Hey ROBLOXians,

Today I am going to talk to you about the new forum update.

The Robloxian forum update was well organized, but a few things did bug Robloxians. Where the forums were place, how they organized it, and overall how they just don't like it.

The most popular forum on ROBLOX; the forum update changed everything! LMaD has lost about 25% of its normal posters just because "you have to scroll down"¹. Many of ROBLOXians used LMaD to get trades and make profit. This is also a place to tell people about your limited you might be selling, if it is a good deal, you might get many offers on it.But now, that's not what Robloxians think any more. A explain description of LMaD: 

"A fast paced community of wheelers and dealers. Post what you have to offer or see if anyone is willing to part with that special thing you really want." 

Forums all together have lost members for all types of reasons. 

Here are saying from Robloxians about this switch around update.
tatelikecake says, "Remove all subforums and merge it all into one big forum. So a thread stays on the front page for less than 3 seconds."

hello says, "I think it's a lot more organized and simple. The ATR community has adapted to becoming more mature and civil. All in all, I like it."

Thank you for reading this post, and have a wonderful day.

Post by 1key2
If you have a big enough screen, you don't need to scroll down. Silly LMaDers...

Hat Review: Real Ice Cold Stunnas

"I got so much ice... it's like a freezer up in here."

Lol, welcome back for another Epik Review! Today I’m reviewing the Real Ice Cold Stunnas. Now, un-like other hats, ROBLOX made a minor mistake when publishing it. Roblox published it as, Ice Cold Stunnas. Someone reported the name to Roblox, because there was already a hat with the same name. Roblox then changed the name to Real Ice Cold Stunnas.

I think that anyone would enjoy this hat on their head.  It goes well with almost any outfit (including Shedelsky’s), or package. I do think the Real Ice Cold Stunnas have a much better texture than the Ice Cold Stunnas because it isn't generic at all! It looks as if Roblox Staff spent a little more time than usual on this one. Make sure to check out the picture below to see this hat’s texture compared to some recent ones.

I would’ve bought it if I had enough, but of course, I’m no rich person. This was an “unexpected, long over-due hat that people have been waiting for, for a while. Roblox wasn’t doing so well with a lot of (rude) comments complaining about the bad textures of a lot of hats. I was starting to lose hope too, but sure enough Roblox came through with this. I really have no more to say about this, except for that’s all for now, see you next week. Thanks for reading an Epik Review.

              Thank You
■■■Epik Out■■■     

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lua Editor

Crazyman32's Lua Editor

Crazyman32's Lua Editor is a text editor designed specifically to write and run pure Lua code. It is currently in its early alpha stages, meaning that it is not yet fully complete. The editor is a great tool to use when wanting to practice Lua quickly and offline. The editor is also a great resource to use when learning Lua, as you can swiftly write in code and run it.

The editor comes with live build/compilation capabilities, which means that the editor will tell you if there are any syntax errors, while you write your code. You can then run the code as well. Handy shortcuts are built in as well. F5 will run whatever is in the editor right away.

Another fun inclusion with the editor is auto-indentation and auto-completion. Therefore, when you write a new 'if then' or other block creation line, the editor will put the 'end' necessary into the code when you press Enter.

The Lua Editor is built 100% with Java. Lua is then interpreted with an API called LuaJ, which is the C version of Lua written in Java and still fully open-source.

You can keep up with the latest updates with the Editor by visiting the project's main page on SourceForge:

Job Updates

Job Updates
A KNC Post by: Epiksoda11
Open Jobs:
Schwagmeister (2-3) ~ PM 1key2
PBS Managers (2-4) ~ PM Epiksoda11
Community Article Writers (2-100) ~ PM Plusjon
Security(1-5) ~ PM Clone12373
Effects Specialist (3-4) ~ PM Itunes89/Epiksoda11
Website Managers
News Casters
Effects Manager

Friday, January 18, 2013

Learning the Data Persistence API

Data Persistence Tutorial


Data Persistence. A scary phrase that makes most people afraid to even approach it. However, I have good news: It's not actually as complicated as it sounds! In this tutorial, I will guide you through the basics of the data persistence API[1] on ROBLOX.

The Data Persistence API allows you to save and load data for a player in one specific level. For an example of how this is helpful, consider the following: You have a player in your game. The player earns 1,000 points after playing for a good hour. However, you want the player to still have the 1,000 points after he leaves and comes back to your game, no matter what server he joins. The Data API allows this to happen, as long as the player comes to that same game again (it can still be a different server though, but must be the same game).

NOTE: This tutorial is for people who already have a basic understanding of scripting in Lua[2] on ROBLOX. If you don't know scripting very well yet, I highly encourage you to continue on learning more about it before diving into this tutorial. There are great ROBLOX Lua tutorials on the main Wiki site.

Getting Started

First of all, let's learn the methods used in the API. The whole API is built into the Player object. The methods that will be used to control the API are as following:

In that list, we have three categories of things. Loading, saving, and waiting. Before we do ANY saving or loading, we must make sure that the player object is ready to save and load data. That's where the WaitForDataReady method comes into play.

Quick examples:

  • player:SaveBoolean("myBoolean", true)
  • player:SaveInstance("myInstance", game.Workspace.MyModel)
  • player:SaveString("myString", "Hello world!")
  • player:SaveNumber("myNumber", 32)
  • local b = player:LoadBoolean("myBoolean")
  • local object = player:LoadInstance("myInstance")
  • local str = player:LoadString("myString")
  • local num = player:LoadNumber("myNumber")

Typically, you would do most of the saving and loading when the player first enters the game. Here is some pseudocode for that:

function PlayerEntered(player)
   player:WaitForDataReady() -- Await data ready
   -- Add loading/saving methods here


That snippet of coding is the bare-bones of working with the data API. Thankfully, the rest of the process isn't very difficult either! Let us look at an example of using both saving and loading. In this example, we can keep track of the number of times the player has visited the game:

-- All under the PlayerEntered block:


-- Load the number of visits currently
-- If nothing has been saved, it will return 0
local numberVisits = player:LoadNumber("visits")

-- Increase the number by one:
numberVisits = (numberVisits + 1)

-- Save the new number of visits:

Advanced: Auto-Saving

A lot of times, you want to be able to allow stats to save automatically, that way the player never has to worry about pressing any Save button all the time. A lot of users like to use the PlayerRemoving method to trigger saving, however that method can sometimes run into issues and not properly save all the data. Therefore, I prefer to tell people to take advantage of the Changed event in different value holder objects, like the IntValue object.

In the scenario below, we have a snippet of a script in the PlayerEntered block where we create a stat holder and then set a Changed event in order to save the value every time it changes:

-- All under the PlayerEntered block:


-- Create the value holder:
local points ="IntValue", player)
points.Name = "Points"

-- Load points:
points.Value = player:LoadNumber("points")

-- Auto-save technique using the Changed event:
   player:SaveNumber("points", newValue)

-- How to avoid saving too often:

local lastValue = points.Value
   lastValue = newValue
   Delay(1, function()
      if (lastValue == newValue) then
         player:SaveNumber("points", newValue)

[1] API: Application Programming Interface. Usually a library of program code that lets you program off of.
[2] Lua: A programming language commonly implemented for scripting on programs