Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Messages Update

Hi ROBLOXians,

I'll be talking about the new update to the "Messages" section. Heres a small picture of what it should look like. Its cool, right?

As we can see, the update to the inbox is that you can now mark messages as "Read" or "Unread." This will surely help to keep your inbox much more organized, and easily mark spam mail unread in a easy click, without even having to click each one individually!

If you would like to know how to use this, heres how:

First, click on one of those little boxes, [Make it show a check mark] then, you can click "Mark As Read" or "Mark As Unread." If you Mark it as read, then the PM will no longer appear in a "bold" color. It will also no longer have a [1] in the Upper Message location that tells you how many PM's you have. If you don't know what I mean, heres a picture of it.

If you mark everything as Read, it will look like that.
If you mark everything as Unread, it will look like this.

That little spot that has a "1" will be the number of how many PM's you have, assuming you marked them all as "Unread."

Heres a post that the ROBLOX Moderator made about this update:

Gordonrox24 must like this update, as said in his post, it will be a big help in keeping his inbox organized. He probably gets lots of "spam mail" which is likely why it will be a big help.

Be sure to use this new feature well that ROBLOX has added! It can help well with spam mail and other messages to easily mark read, without even having to click each one to mark it as unread. It is so much easier now that ROBLOX has added this!

Well, thats all for now. I'll keep you all updated.

- spookyBen,
KNC Community Writer

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