Saturday, February 9, 2013

How to..Create a FPS in 15 minutes.

Hello, KNC! Kruer7 here with another tutorial! Learn how to make a FPS in just 15 minutes!

1st. Download ROBLOX's base wars plugin by clicking here.

2nd. Open ROBLOX Studio. *Note: If you do not have Roblox studio, please go to and click "Play Now". Follow the instructions to install Roblox studio on to your system. 

3rd. Install the plugin by clicking "Here" above. 
Unzip the plugin file you downloaded. Save the folder in an easy to access place. 
Open Roblox studio. On the top, click Tools -> Open Plugins Folder. 
 Drag the folder you unzipped earlier to this window that you opened up through Roblox Studio. NOTE: if you unzipped the folder and there is ANOTHER folder inside of it with the same name, drag the one inside of the original folder to the plugins folder. Then close the plugins window.

4. Create a new place.

5. Back in Roblox Studio, go to File -> New. This will open up a new place labeled Place1. At the top where all your menu buttons are, you will see an icon that looks like this: FPSicon.png.

5th Before moving on, go ahead and build your base plate
~To do this, First go to Insert -> Object. Click "Part" from the list and click OK

~On the right in the Properties menu (lower left box), scroll down and click on the box next to "Anchored" and the box next to "Locked" so they both have a check mark in them.

~Scroll down more and click on the numbers next to size. Highlight them and type how big you want your map top be. Example: 150, 1.2, 200 will make your map be 150 "studs" long by 200 "studs" wide. The 1.2 stays the same because that is the thickness of the plate and there's no need to change that number. Hit Enter and watch your little Part become way bigger!

5th Roblox Studio should look something like this below. 

6. Use the plugin to configure your FPS & Set Capture Points.

  1. Click the FPS icon (FPSicon.png).
  2. Select Capture Points from the dropdown menu marked Game Mode.
  3. Set the amount of time each round should last for.
  4. Click "Place Control Points" and place as many control points as you want. When you are done, click Done on the left side and Done again in the FPS Configuration Menu.


7. Add spawn locations and build your map.

  1. Click the Toolbox Icon (Looks like 2 crossing Wrenches).
  2. You have to place 2 spawn location points (One for red team and one for blue team). Click and Drag the Red Block with a spiralstar on it (NOT the one with a flag) to the location on your map where you want the red team to spawn. Do the same with the Blue Block with the spiralstar on it and place it on your map somewhere as well.
  3. Click on the Inventory Tab inside the Toolbox and search for models you want for your game. These are all immovable objects so look for things like Sandbags for cover, or tanks and hummers for ambiance (since it is a war zone after all) or towers to climb on to so people that play your game have sniping locations. Get creative, this is the fun part - Level Design. Don't be afraid to to build your own set pieces out of parts (Insert -> Object, select part, make it the size of a house or bunker that players can run around or stack parts on top of each other to make your own bunker).

8. Finally, you can publish to ROBLOX. 
  1. When you are done and ready to publish the game so other can play it, click File -> Publish to ROBLOX.
  2. The Login Screen will pop up if you are not logged in. Go ahead and login and click Update.
    Upload Screen.PNG
  3. Hit "Select" next to the name of your game that you set up earlier in the Create A New Place step. This will overwrite the Template Place that was created to the game you just made!! You are seconds away from playing your game!

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