Saturday, March 2, 2013

Shoulder Crow-Catalog Review

Shoulder Crow

               Today my review for KNC will be shoulder crow. This is the first realistic Crow we have gotten.The other crow hat was like a Crow cap.
                                          The Texture:
   The texture for this hat is really good. ROBLOX made the texture look shaded with feather areas to make it realisitic.HE also focused on the ttexture of the legs because the shape and colors are new. ROBLOX could have made the texture of the eye look more like a crows eye but that is my opinion. This one of the many hats on your shoulder that have a great texture.The texture gets a 8.4.
                                                The Looks:
     This looks very good.ROBLOX made it look like a real crow.I like how he made the legs at an angle so it can look like he is holding onto your robloxian. The feathers could have looked more realistic like the feathers on the hat called "The Raven."The eyes could have a better pupil but otherwise this is pretty good.ROBLOX made the beak look andgled becuase the ray of sunlight is at an angle.The looks gets a 8.4.
                                            The Effort:
          ROBLOX put an average amount of effort into this.He focused a lot on making the mesh of  the crow itself with all the deatail and that took some effort to make it look the right shades of black and grey. The part he put the least amount of effort was the eye.It just looks like a bump in the head or more like a cemi-sphere sticking out of the head.The effort gets a 8.1.
                                The Overall:
           Overall for R$75 this is a pretty good deal.It is good in texture and looks.Effort that was put into this was a good amount. If you are collecting shoulder items this is a good one.Right now this hat has 5,900+ sales. Over you should get this.This hat gets a 8.5 for overall.


  1. Darn it Yousef M., improve your grammar!

  2. Well sorry.I had a busy day since we have a lot of homework to prepare for the state test and I practice on my Tuba for 30 minutes and my brotherr plays so I dont have much time towrite it.
