Welcome again, to the KNC News Cast Weekly Round-Up: 3/8/13! Already March! Here's what we had done recently:
WAAAAY BACK: 2/22/13
We kicked off the first Weekly Round-Up by starting a few weeks, showing what was very recently going on, and we showed some games, hats, and alot of things back in February. From Erik Cassel's Memorial, to the President's Day sale. And so on around Last time. You can find the very post Weekly Round-Up here. I'd also like to say that these KNC News Cast Weekly Round-Ups will be posted every two weeks of recent activity, if no activity or there isn't that much going on we wait. We'll also be posting the last Weekly Round-Up if you haven't seen it. Farther ado, let's get started!
Yousef M. Showed us the Blizzard Cap on 2/23/13. As you can see on the right the hat has a radioactive logo and the texture pretty much looked plain and basic, but that's what I'm saying. You can find Yousef M.'s Review on this hat here.
We also reviewed the Shoulder Crow, just to say this, but the Shoulder Crow looks like a hat made for the ROBLOX Assault Team. I'm not even joking, it does look like it. Since there previous owner, "ColourTheory", Also known as "Leonard Sparrow", has a crow, or bird- whatever you call it as his logo and as a company, Sparrow Corps. Find the Post here.
We finally lastly reviewed the Cobalt Co-Bot. You can find that post also here. And I'd like to applaud Yousef M, he actually reviewed all of these hats! Well done Yousef!
Why you should learn how to script? : 2/23/13
Our friend, Crazyman32, explains why you might wanna learn how to script, and the point I guess is for when you see a game, and you're sometimes like, "I wanna make a great game with good things, not just some lame old free models to show that I can't build my own stuff or script!" But seriously, scripting could and be one thing you might wanna learn if you're wanting to make a great game. You can find Crazyman32's reason here.
Two Gears you might want or see: 3/1/13 - 3/8/13
Again, another applaud to Yousef for doing these!
At least one week ago, we took a look at two new gears. One of these gears come with a package, and one comes by itself, you know what I'm talking about. We took a look at The Wizard of Astral Isles: Frog Transformer wand on the right! And The Ivory Periastron. You can find the link to The wand here. And the Sword here.
1 game, 2 games! These you might like! : 2/23/13 - 3/8/13
Simon Says! The game is like the real life world version of it, except
it has a twist in which players do ROBLOX things instead of real life
Mikoto192 took a look at a game that looks rarely similar to "Welcome To ROBLOX", but with more bricks, features, and VIP.
Sandbox is a game by REDALERT2 in which you can build anything within your
plot. Or baseplate. You can even save your creations, give players power to build
with you on your baseplate, and give your saved levels to other players. You could
find the post here.
JUST IN AS OF 3:10 PM (UTC -8:00 US and CANDA): 3/8/13
ROBLOX on there on blog has announced the new name of the ROBLOX Game Conferences being held in different places around the world with a new name. BLOXcon! This is the new RGC 2013 name. The old name didn't do the new direction justice. You can find the post here on the ROBLOX Blog!
Thanks for the compliments Emma.It is a little stressful being the only acrive Catalog analyst.I really should get a vacation.That might be in 2 months or something.