Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Radioactive Egg of Undead Apochalypse

Radioactive Egg of Undead Apochalypse
Hey, it's needysweet1 again guys! This time, I will be reviewing the Radioactive Egg of Undead Apochalypse.
The Looks
Okay, at the moment the looks of it is pretty bad. Roblox said that they will re-enable the collectible status of this egg once they fix some patches. If you look, you can see that there are a few deformities on the egg. The texture looks messed up completely. Sort of as if parts of it was folded.  Don't believe me? Look at the egg from the center right-all the way up. It looks weird right there.

In it's current form, Roblox have not put a good amount of effort into this egg. In this unpatched form, it looks like Roblox didn't put a lot of effort into making this an actual egg. That's sad of Roblox. They said in the Egg Description that this egg is dedicated to Max Brooks. Sadly, that is a bit offensive in it's current form. I hope Roblox fix it soon.  
Roblox should have put more work into this egg. In this current form, it's really bad. For that reason, this egg gets only a single star, out of 5. Let us all hope that Roblox fixes this egg in the near future. Then, I think it'll be epic! This has been needysweet1 for this time with a catalog review! Peace!

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